Your website should be centered on maximizing bookings and revenues, generating leads, selling and promoting on-site amenities, and engaging and converting potential guests.

With our website audit, you will find...

  1. Is my website the best representation of the hotel?
  2. Does it visually reflect a modern website?
  3. Does it capture the essence of the class and the target audience?
  4. Does it reflect what is trying to be portrayed and in reviews?
  5. Does it meet today's best practice standards of what a customer would expect?
  6. Does the current website help remove barriers to booking? 
  7. Does the current website incorporate all hotel digital marketing best practices?
  8. Does the quick audit identify failures or missing items in the current website?
  9. Does the quick audit demonstrate and cast doubt that the current provider is meeting its obligations for the hotel client?
  10. Does the score from the quick audit demonstrate an opportunity to improve the current situation facing the client?

Scoring is based on best practices, industry surveys, and over 15 years of digital marketing and hospitality expertise.

Audit Sections 

Section 1: Website Design and Technology

Section 2: Content Creation Strategy

Section 3: Merchandising Strategy 

Section 4: On-Page SEO strategy 

Section 5: Technical SEO 

Section 6: Book Direct Strategy 

To order your website best practice website audit report Please fill out the contact form below.


